My name is Abby Smith and I was born in Austin, Texas. My first memory there was running barefoot through a field of Blue Bonnet's. But, because my parents were more of the surfer types, and less of the Little House on the Prairie fans, they had the audacity to movie my older sister and I to Palms Springs, where the closest waves around were at a water park (nice work Dad). A few years later my Mom's parents passed away and left their house in Vista to us, situated more pleasantly west, of course, with its orange groves and macadamia nut trees, while still catching the coastal breezes.
One of the nearest schools to us was Tri-City Christian School. Now my parents are not religious by any stretch, no tare, of the imagination, but they somehow thought it would be a good idea to send my sister and I there. As far as technology went at this particular school, well let's just say the word "Dos"comes to mind, and no, not like the word in Spanish. I also became quite adept and typing on, gasp let's just say it, a typewriter. So my educational transition into Mira Costa Community College, was a little clumsy technologically and socially, obviously. It wasn't until college that I became more acquainted with computers. A few years later I decided to study Literature and Writing, and transferred to UCSD where I earned my BA. This is my first semester at Cal State San Marcos, and so far I am really excited to work on the Mac Computers here. I feel as if I am a little behind in terms computer finesse, but I am ready and open to learn.
The aspect of maintaining a commitment to a student centered learning in the CSUSM Mission Statement, is something that I think is really important. Technology in the classroom is something that I think will be more relatable to students of this generation. This is already their language, and I feel that as a prospective teacher, I need to be aware of and proficient in the different teaching methodologies made available. Just as is it is our goal as teachers to turn students into life-long learners, it is also my responsibility to continue embrace technology and adapt to all its changes.